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AOCS Official Method Am 2-93(Reapproved 2009)Determination of Oil Content in Oilseeds
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AOCS Official Method Am 2-93(Reapproved 2009)Determination of Oil Content in Oilseeds
 AOCS Official Method Am 2-93(Reapproved 2009)Determination of Oil Content in Oilseeds
This method determines the oil content of oilseeds used as industrial raw materials by solvent extraction.The oil content is defined as the whole of the substances extracted under operating conditions specified in this method, and expressed as a percentage by weight of the product either as received or of the cleaned seed. On request, it may be expressed relative to the dry weight. This method is based on ISO Method 659.It is recommended by the UMC that this method replace Ai 3-75 and Af 3-54.


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